Sunday, November 8, 2009

Decorated Book of Mormon

This is an idea that I got from one of my friends. I have been making them for quite a while now and absolutely LOVE them. Here are the directions on how to make them or I can make you one for $8-$10 (depending on the materials used)

Materials Needed:
*1 Book of Moromon (Hard cover or Soft cover)
*1 large Piece of Scrap Book paper
*Sponge brush
*Elmer's Spray Glue
*Modge Podge
*Or any other decorations that you want.
1. First trim the paper in order to fit the book of mormon without any excess
2. Fold the paper (Making a crease) on the two sides of the spine
3. Glue the spine first.
4. Glue the rest of the paper onto the book without making any air bubbles.
5. Fold the excess paper over the inside cover.
6. Now using a sponge brush, Spread a thin layer of Modge Podge over the cover.
7. Wait for it to dry.
8. Now add the other decorations wanted.
I know it is kind of confusing. If you have any questions email me at

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